Creative Instagram Marketing Tips You Don’t Hear Every Day


Marketing is the most important thing a business needs to make its presence visible in the market. How a business is supposed to reach its targeted audience without having a proper marketing strategy and implementing that strategy on time. Social media marketing is all the hype today especially Instagram marketing. As Instagram recently reached 800 million daily active users, it has become a place where you can market your business to such a huge family. But as the number of users is increasing on Instagram, the competition of businesses is also increasing. So, how you cope up with the competition is all you need to do. Obviously, your business needs to be unique and attractive enough to outstand the competition.

There are some tips on the internet that would tell you how you are supposed to market your business on Instagram, but there are also some hidden secrets to those tips that you don’t hear every day. These creative Instagram marketing tips are something that you don’t hear every day, but you need to know them to do successful Instagram Marketing. For that purpose, today I am going to share with you all those creative Instagram marketing tips you don’t often hear. So let’s begin with the secrets.

Make Trends Your Friends

There is always a hype of something that is trending on social media. That something can be anything that gets people’s attention; it can be any video clip, any meme, any photo, any product, any event, and any specific statement. All you need to do is to check out what’s trending in your industry and make use of that trend for your business as much as you can. It makes your business discoverable to a larger audience. You can also search trending hashtags of your niche and use them for your content on Instagram. Make trends your best friends on Instagram as they are going to help you a lot with your Instagram marketing efforts.

Engagement Matters A lot

If you are doing marketing through Instagram, then you must know what wonders engagement can do for you. Engagement means interaction with your community. Also according to Instagram’s new algorithm, posts with the highest engagement will have higher places in newsfeeds. When your content can find top places in news feeds and search places, it will also help you gain followers on Instagram fast. So try to make your posts as engaging as you can.

Interact with your audience, answers their questions, reply to their comments, start lively conversations with your followers to make your post most engaging. Interaction not only means talking and commenting, on Instagram, it can also be taken as sharing your followers content that is related to you (obviously with their permission), comment on their post too. Share and appreciate them when they post something related to your business or they post a picture or video using your product.

So, these were some interacting ways you can use to make your content more engaging.

Posting Pattern

Another secret for your Instagram marketing is the posting schedules. When you post, what you post are very important things to be considered when doing marketing on Instagram. Instagram Analytics is the feature of Instagram that allows business accounts to get to know their followers in depth. Through Instagram analytics, you get the idea of demographics of your followers, what they like the most on your account, at what time they are most engaging. These details help you choose your content wisely that will be liked by your community and also helps you the time slot that is most engaging with your content.

The secret here is to post relevant to your business at the time that is most engaging plus be very careful about how much you post. Starting with three to four post weekly for your marketing strategy is good. Don’t ever forget the fact that posting too much will annoy your community and posting too less will make you disappear. So, all you need to do is to find the perfect balance for posting on Instagram.

These three are the most useful tips for Instagram marketing. You may have heard about these but how you are supposed to make use of trends, make your content engaging and scheduling your post are something you don’t hear every day.  So, make most out of your Instagram marketing keeping in mind these tips discussed above and happy Instagramming!


About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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7 years ago

Thanks for the tips! I need all the IG tips I can get. Instagram has been the one social network I’ve had a bit of trouble with when it comes to marketing, but I think I’m starting to get it figured out 🙂

instagram hack
7 years ago

We all have been looking for this.