17 Items Every Mother Should Have For An Emergency And Why


If you heard on the news about a natural disaster, hurricane, or something of that nature happening near your area, it is critical to be prepared. It doesn’t matter what you call yourself – housewife, homemaker, mother, etc., these items will help in almost any emergency situation ranging from a bad hair day to an act of god. For many emergencies, you need more than just 17 items, but this article is simply meant to show an example of some good things to have on hand in case of emergencies related to weather or other unfortunate events.

1) Toilet plunger

While most homes have a plunger, it’s just good sense to keep one in your arsenal of items at all times. It doesn’t matter if you’re the most hygienic person out there; everyone messes up sometimes. You’ll want to be able to help your friends and neighbors when they call with their clogged toilets—or you might even need it for yourself! There are several types of plungers, so don’t forget to get the right kind for your toilet.

2) Extension cord

This is another item that will apply not only to moms but also to people who like hosting parties or playing sports outside. You never know when an outlet will be too far away from where you need it to go, and since electrical items don’t exactly play well with water (you never know when it’s going to rain), bring your extension cord outside. Many people also like having one in the garage and even the car for work or tailgating events. Just keep an eye on that little red light on the product itself—that signifies whether or not you have power.

3) Household cleaner/disinfectant spray

Let’s face it: Everyone wants their house to be clean. Unfortunately, life happens, so something has got to give sometimes. And when you’ve got kids running around all day long, messes are bound to happen! Try keeping wipes in every room, as well as a spray that you can use on countertops and other surfaces—some people even like using the wipes to clean off their phones and computer keyboards.

4) Flashlight

A flashlight is a no-brainer for anyone! These don’t have to be fancy or expensive, so buy one with good battery life and keep it in every room of your home, especially if you live somewhere where there’s no light pollution from street lamps or houses nearby. You’ll want to have one at all times if the power goes out—and who knows? Maybe someday you’ll need it to search for something under the couch! A radio is also nice to have just in case someone needs some entertainment while they wait for power to be restored.

5) Tarp

Hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters are no joke; they can cause some real damage in a matter of seconds, ripping off roofs or uprooting trees. You’ll want to keep tarps outside near your window so that you can quickly cover up anything that’s been damaged by the elements if needed. Make it quick because you don’t want anything getting wet! If you’re interested in learning more about preparing for natural disasters, contact your local politicians or check out RedCross.org.

6) Heavy-duty gloves

It’s not just construction workers who need heavy-duty gloves—anyone who has ever worked on their car will attest to the importance of these items! If you’re the go-to person in your family for car issues, then chances are pretty good that you’ll need to use tools. Save your hands by wearing these gloves! Just make sure they fit properly before using them; they should be snug but not too tight.

7) Basic first aid kit

Having a ready-made first aid kit on hand (and knowing how to use it!) is one of the most important things you can do as a mom—or for anyone else, for that matter! You never know when someone will get cut or need help dealing with pain until medical personnel can arrive on the scene. Even if no one gets hurt during an outing, kids (and even adults!) love playing pranks on each other. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

8) Portable sewing kit

No, this is not a joke! You never know when the hem of your pants will rip loose, or your cat will claw its way up onto your favorite chair and leave some damage behind. If you don’t own a sewing machine (and let’s face it: Not everyone does!), then keep a repair kit in your closet with everything you’ll need to sew on a button ASAP! Just make sure that all of the items are still inside—you’d be surprised how many times this has happened to people, even if they think they’ve got a firm grip on their belongings.

9) Canned foods

You might have been wondering about those cans in your pantry that you’ve never opened. Well, it’s time to break them out! While most canned foods are meant to be eaten directly from the can, you might want to invest in a manual can opener if yours has gone missing. Canned meats like tuna or chicken salad make for great bread sandwiches when combined with some lettuce and tomato slices. And let’s not forget about the classic Spam sandwich!

10) Tissues

Tissues are just as important for adults as they are for infants who have runny noses all day long! Keep some on your nightstand so that you’re prepared when Mowgli runs into your room in the middle of the night because he thinks he heard something outside his window. Tissues are also great for when your four-year-old wants to wipe off something outside—though you may want to keep some in the car, too, in case of emergencies.

11) Battery-operated radio

This is another way to stay safe and entertained when the power goes out! Everyone will be relieved when they can tune into their favorite news station or pop music channel, so keep this item at hand during situations where you might not have many other options. Plus, it’s good to know what’s going on around the rest of the world after a natural disaster like an earthquake or tsunami.

12) Educational board games

Keeping kids occupied during times of crisis is essential; otherwise, they might get bored and do something that they’ll regret. Board games like Chutes and Ladders or Memory Cards are great at keeping minds sharp—and if you’re in a crisis situation, it’ll feel like their memories, and critical thinking skills have improved! This is especially important for young children who haven’t yet started school and might not be getting the mental stimulation they need anywhere else.

13) Generators

It’s one thing to go camping in the woods when you want to get away from it all; it’s an entirely different thing when you wake up to find out that your home (or neighborhood!) has been destroyed by a hurricane or earthquake. Without electricity, the modern world will feel like a distant memory—so keep at least one generator on hand to keep your flashlights, batteries, and other devices charged until power is restored.

14) Medication

If anyone in your family takes medication regularly, then it’s essential that you have enough of it stockpiled during even minor crises—and if someone needs to take medicine multiple times per day, then it’s best to have a lot more just in case! Be sure to keep your medication stored in a cool, dry place for maximum freshness.

15) Quality shoes

A good pair of shoes is essential during any type of disaster! Flip flops will become slippery when wet, and you’ll want something with support if the ground starts shaking beneath your feet. Keep a sturdy pair in the car, hidden away in case of emergency—and don’t forget to add extra socks, just in case one or more pairs get wet from rain or other natural disasters.

16) Cosmetics

Don’t forget to include your makeup kit in your emergency supplies! Mascara, lipstick, and other cosmetics can feel like a little piece of normalcy during trying times. If you have room, make sure to include some after-shower body lotion or self-warming balm—and you might even want to pack extra contact lenses if yours are sensitive. Oh, and don’t forget about curling brush irons; taking care of your hair will boost your confidence! Also, it generates heat so you can use it to keep warm if need be.

17) Functional clothing

In addition to keeping a fresh pair of shoes on hand, make sure that everyone in your family has easy access to clean clothing. After all, if your house is destroyed and you have nothing else to wear outside of the 24th outfit that’s still hanging in the closet, then it might end up being one of those outfits! You’ll also want some extra underwear for women who are menstruating—and don’t forget about men! Something as simple as a clean T-shirt can keep people from getting irritable during stressful times.

In Conclusion

When it comes down to it, the most important things that you can keep in your emergency kit are common sense and preparedness. Knowledge is the best way to ensure that a minor crisis doesn’t become a major one—and while some people might think of preparedness as being a little too ‘extreme,’ there’s no such thing when it comes to disasters!

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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