How to Put Your Mom Blog In Front Of a Lot of Eyes


If you’ve started a blog, it probably means that you have something that you want to say. It could also mean that you’re looking to make a little income as well. Maybe you’re hoping for a little bit of both as you enter the field of Moms who blog. It is a crowded field, however, and you run the risk of your words never being read if you don’t make a little effort to make that happen.

In a world where just about everybody has a blog of their own, it can sometimes feel like your blog is the proverbial tree falling in the woods. You wonder if you’ll ever be heard, which can be damaging whether you’re trying to start a sidelight business or just get your point across about something that means a lot to you. Yet there are ways to make your blog stand out and, more importantly, put it in front of as many readers as possible.

There are many great sources of advice that can get you started on your blogging so that you can make an excellent impression in the competitive world of blogging Moms. Here are some ways in which you can ensure that your blog’s message gets as much exposure as possible.

Aggressive Promotion

No matter how eloquent your writing or powerful your message, you can’t simply put some posts up and hope that the world stumbles upon them. You need to get out there and publicize, and you can do that via social media. Also look to find similar blogs who might link back to you. Then make sure to keep an eye on how your posts are doing, as even those with a modest reach and scope to their blog can take advantage of Big Data analytics to change that around. If you can spread the word about your blog initially, it might start to build some momentum and will need less promotion going forward.

Keep At It

One of the common mistakes that doom blogs to obscurity are when their writer doesn’t post often enough. As a mother with a busy schedule, it might be easy to fall prey to this problem. You need to make a commitment to posting as often as possible. One way that you might avoid the problem of not posting enough is by making a schedule to which you stick. Once you find a rhythm with your writing and posting, you’ll find it easier and easier to make blogging part of your routine.

Say Something

As stated above, you’re going to have a lot of competition for readers’ attention just from other mothers, not to mention the rest of the blogging world. You need to develop a point of view that makes people want to not just sample your writing, but also keep coming back for more. Whether you’re going for knowledge-sharing or entertainment, you have to really strive to make your blog exceptional.

So try to go the extra mile so that your blog will get the exposure it deserves. From there, the highest levels of the blogging world are yours for the taking.


About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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