The Top 3 Ways to Keep Your House Tidy in 2017


Cleaning the house is one of the most repetitive yet important tasks every household member must do. A dirty house will most likely have negative effects toward the daily lives of the people living on it. For example, a dirty kitchen will not just affect the appetite of the family, it can also be harmful to their health. Spoiled food causes harmful bacteria and insects that will infiltrate the various corners of your house. Another example is a messy living room, not only will visitors not have the proper place to stay, they will also feel unwelcome thus negating the positive mood you are trying to set. A messy room will make it harder for you to find things, delaying your important meetings. There is also the chance of mixing dirty stuff with the clean ones with an unorganized cabinet or space. We can go on and on with examples and their effects, what’s important that we get the point across and that is – house cleaning is not be ignored.

Cleaning and maintaining the house clean are two different things. It is easy to start cleaning, but maintaining it is another story. Most houses are only clean whenever an important occasion is coming. And on regular days, as long as one can still lie down on the bed ignoring the messy sheets, have some decent clothes with a decent smell, plates unused then everything is still okay and that cleaning can be postponed. If you want to change this kind of toxic and unhealthy mentality, then let us help you take that first bold step towards change by offering these tips:

  1.    Regular monitoring and a consistent cleaning schedule

If you want to maintain the cleanliness of your house, regular cleaning times must be set and agreed upon. For example, start telling your kids to make their beds the moment they wake up. And to clean their rooms every night before they sleep. Setting schedules will definitely make things easier, like assigning bathroom cleaning to a different member every two days, or regular bonding period in the form of cabinet organization during weekends. As for the kitchen cleaning, you can start implementing a clean as you go rule, meaning each person will wash their plates and utensils after they’re done. With just a little bit of planning, you will definitely have the best plan for your household cleaning.

  1.    Discipline

In order to maintain the regular cleaning practice in your household, you need to enforce strict disciplinary measures. For your children, depriving them of certain privilege as a punishment is a good method to keep them on their toes when it comes to house cleaning. For instance, you can reduce their television time, if they don’t make their beds. Decrease their allowance with every day that you see their rooms dirty. Remember that discipline is very important in order to instill to your family the practice of cleaning.

  1.    Hire Professionals

In case you are restrained by certain situations in which you can’t do the house cleaning yourself or is incapable because of your poor physical condition, then you can always hire professional cleaners to do the job for you. These professionals are highly trained in order to address any kind of cleaning problem. You can easily contact these professional cleaners through a quick scan in your phone directory or even through the internet. As long as you are willing to pay the fee, then consider your dirty house problems solved.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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