You Never Outgrow Your Nana


“You Never Outgrow Your Nana”

Nana, Grandma, Nonna, Nonni, Gram, Granny, Me-Ma.  What a wonderful title to have regardless of what she is called.  All grandmas are special. This remains true even as grandkids get older.

As a child, life was always good at my Nana’s house, where everything was ok and allowed, where I got to eat her homemade wonderful macaroni and cheese, where I got away with a little mischievous behavior and where my little secrets that I shared with her were safely stored in her memory and in her heart.  For me, my Nana was like my mother, only cooler!

What comes to mind when you think of your Nana?  I’ve asked a few friends who are mom and dads themselves and this is what they had to say:

“I remember when she used to cook wonderful Italian food especially rice balls!” – Denise Auerbacher

“The gum she kept in her top dresser drawer in her room that she gave me every time I went over.” – Matthew Patella

“My lunch every day when I was little was a tomato and mayo sandwich and sometimes just a mayo sandwich.  She loved the hell out of me and I just knew it.” – Patti Romano Linfante

“I think of her protection, guidance, encouragement, and love. – Joanne Ammirata Sallie

“No matter when I went to her house, the black cast iron frying pan was on the stove and she was frying meatballs.  She would stick a fork in one and hand it over!” – Debbie Patella

“My grandmother was the keeper of family records, a historian. She knew the lineage of both sides of the family up to every detail.  She passed away a year before I was married.   And although my mother listened to most of these stories, most of this history died with her.” – John Tully III

“At 3 p.m. every day, she made espresso for her and her 88-year-old next-door neighbor.   They would drink coffee, tell stories and laugh.  I would always think to myself how wonderful it was that my grandmother, who was in her 80s, still had such a good friend at that age.” – Tricia Vecera Patella

You Never Outgrow Your Nana

“My maternal grandma lived close to us and I loved to sleep over at her house.  She would do my hair and nails, and make hot tea with milk and sugar cubes.  Then we would cuddle on the couch and watch TV.” – Tiffany Buck

“Our grandmother was the definition of love and our biggest fan.  A cheerleader without the pom-poms.  Maybe the pom-poms were her fried meatballs every Sunday morning for breakfast.  I don’t know.  What I do know is that her 10 grandchildren knew we were special because of her love.” – Jodi Inga Quinn

“The first thing my grandma would do when you walked into her house was FEED you.  “No” was not an option. Once you gave into one thing, another was added to it.  And then came the butter.  Everything needed butter.  She was wonderful.  A magnificent Polish woman who immigrated to the USA by herself when she was just a young lady.  I am blessed to have all of my memories with Namie.” – Patty Kabick

“My son loves his maternal grandmother so much, she has cooked 3 semesters worth of meals for him.  He comes home just to reload.  He thinks she is beautiful and is convinced she is going to live forever.  He’s 22 and she’ll be 80 in a few months.  If only that could be true.” – Adelina Lupinacci

“Pure unconditional love”. – Patty Ravaschiere

“My paternal grandmother lived with us.  I would sneak into her bedroom to sleep with her when she was saying her prayers.  She would kneel in front of her chair and thank God and tell him she was “ready” to join him.  Scared the heck out of me every time!” – Faye Kipp

You Never Outgrow Your Nana

With Grandparent’s Day coming up, (September 10th), there is no better way to show a nana how much she is loved.  Designed by Foxy Lady Jewelry (not Swarovski), this beautiful Swarovski Heart Nana Pendant was made using high-quality materials including a stunning blue Swarovski heart crystal with a 16 white gold plated box chain that is eco-friendly. It comes in a beautiful branded box with a silver stretch bow.  So gift-wrapping is not necessary.  It’s the perfect gift for ANY grandmother for any occasion – Grandparent’s Day, birthday, holidays or “just because”.  And as a bonus, you receive a pair of crystal stud earrings FREE!

You Never Outgrow Your Nana

This pendant is so elegant, beautiful and timeless. It is the perfect gift to let any Nana know just how much she is loved. What better way is there to honor the person who has given so much love to you or to your children!

Click here to get your “You Never Outgrow Your Nana” Blue Swarovski Heart Pendant on Amazon.

Blog Article was written by Janine Acceturo with the help of many friends who provided special memories of their Nanas! Thank you for all those who took the time.



About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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Monica Laban
Monica Laban
7 years ago

What a beautiful piece! 💜

7 years ago

My grandma is bomb dignity and I was blessed to live close by. And even more blessed to raise my kids across the street from ger.

Pam Halligan
Pam Halligan
7 years ago

This is such a gorgeous pendant. My nana would love it!

monique s
monique s
7 years ago

Such a sweet and special way to let your nana know she is in your heart

Stephanie Phelps
Stephanie Phelps
7 years ago

Wow this is so beautiful. I remember going to my granny’s house and she always had homemade biscuits in the cute basket covered with a clothe! She was always so sweet and loving and gave the wettest kisses on your cheek. This would have been so wonderful to give her to show her how much I love her.

vickie couturier
vickie couturier
7 years ago

that is so pretty,,i know a nana that would love this,,my grandkids call me Mamaw

Ellie Wright
Ellie Wright
7 years ago

I never knew my grandmas, but my mom was the best. After she passed away I was lucky to have a wonderful mother-in-law to help fill the void. She would love this.

Linda Manns Linneman
Linda Manns Linneman
7 years ago

Grandmas are very special. We are here to spoil our grandchildren and to share fun things with them. This is beautiful. I love the color. This would be a perfect gift. Thank you so much for sharing

Robin Abrams
Robin Abrams
7 years ago

My nana is the best. When we go to visit she always has homemade cookies for us. Still to this day she does

7 years ago

The blue heart crystal is so very beautiful and elegant. Loved reading about peoples memories of their grandmothers.

heather kaufman
heather kaufman
7 years ago

Wow, this is so pretty!!!

Margaret S Porter
Margaret S Porter
7 years ago

I adore this! My grandkids call me Nana and I wear the title proudly

Richard Brandt
7 years ago

My grandmother taught us an important lesson: that the best house is filled with cool old books.

Jill Rivera
Jill Rivera
7 years ago

My grandmother was the best she had 64 grandchildren. She called us by are giving mame and always wrote a birthday letter to each grandchild on their birthday. She was surely loved and missed.

ellen beck
ellen beck
7 years ago

My Grandmother is my adopted one. She absolutely rocks it and could rock this!

Jeanna Massman
Jeanna Massman
7 years ago

As a proud Grandma, I would love to win this prize.

7 years ago

This is beautiful

Jeanne Coulombe
Jeanne Coulombe
7 years ago

What A beautiful necklace I am. A nana and would love to wear this

Debra Holloway
Debra Holloway
7 years ago

This piece is very elegant and breath-taking.

rochelle haynes
rochelle haynes
7 years ago

Looking good love to have this

Kelli A
7 years ago

This pendant is beautiful! My gram would love it! She is my constant. The one and only person who has always been there, through thick n thin she never changes the way she loves us! <3

Dana Rodriguez
Dana Rodriguez
7 years ago

That is really pretty!

Ashley miller
Ashley miller
7 years ago

This is beautiful! My grandma would love to have something like this!! Tysm for the chance!!

Sylvia Zajis
Sylvia Zajis
7 years ago

I absolutely adore this necklace!! My mother is called “nana” by my two boys and now that they are teens this would be a great gift for her birthday this month!

Cathleen King
Cathleen King
7 years ago

That’s beautiful and blue is my favorite color.

Sue E
Sue E
7 years ago

My grannies lived to be 90 & 86. My nana who was 90, was Italian and as cute & tough as she could be! Grandpa and her came over from Italy to Ellis Island. She made her own pasta from scratch & her sauce simmered all day. I haven’t had an excellent Italian meal like hers since she passed!

7 years ago

This is very pretty. I would love it.

Celeste Herrin
Celeste Herrin
7 years ago

I love the stories about always having to eat when going to Grandma’s house. I think that’s true for a lot of people. It’s funny because now that I’m Grandma,vI seen to do the same thing to me kids and grandkids when they come over. I guess it’s a Grandma thing! This is a gorgeous necklace that any Nana would be proud to have! Thank you!

Wendie Lowe
Wendie Lowe
7 years ago

This is beautiful. I will be a grandma for the first time in December. I have requested that she call me Nana.

Darlene Carbajal
Darlene Carbajal
7 years ago

So pretty! Nanas are everything!

Dana Murphy
Dana Murphy
7 years ago

I love the blue stone encased in the sterling silver

pu ye
pu ye
7 years ago

Wow this is so beautiful. I remember going to my granny’s house and she always had homemade biscuits in the cute basket covered with a clothe!

Robin Blankenship
Robin Blankenship
7 years ago

Wow that is gorgeous.

denise low
7 years ago

This is so pretty. Any grandma would love something like this.

April Monty
7 years ago

This is chic and stylish, it looks young too, I love it

7 years ago

My grandma would like this.

Christina Graham
Christina Graham
7 years ago

I love this Nana Necklace! My kids have two Nana’s and an abuelita.

michelle k
michelle k
7 years ago

These are really pretty necklaces.

Debra Holloway
Debra Holloway
7 years ago

This is such a beautiful necklace. It is truly special.

Cheryl Chervitz
Cheryl Chervitz
7 years ago

Such a beautiful necklace. My mom would love it.

cindy legg
cindy legg
7 years ago

my mamaw always had time to tuck us in or read to us at bedtime loved that

Christy Rivers
Christy Rivers
7 years ago

Beautifully design. My Mom doesn’t wear necklaces often but I could see her having a hard time not wanting to take this off.

Samantha Martin
Samantha Martin
7 years ago

My kids actually have a Nana it’s sweet. this is very sweet