Choosing Your “Forever Home”


Choosing your home’s location is a huge decision that requires months of research and planning. Location always matters. When you’re ready to purchase a home, an issue you do not want to have to worry about is whether or not that home is visible to emergency personnel and delivery drivers – yet, that is a problem that occurs more often than you think.

Issues related to a homeowner’s address are unfortunately very common. Oftentimes, when purchasing a home, we only consider accessibility, such the location of the nearest school or proximity to your job’s office. However, our home’s surrounding is just as important. Searching fruitlessly for a home because the address number is damaged, illegible or missing can be time-consuming and frustrating. In far too many circumstances, Google Maps or Waze may take someone around and around for hours because it isn’t pinned to the correct location. Nevertheless, there is a solution that was created to fix that headache.

eLiT, an LED address box and security system, was designed to improve the problems caused by GPS address issues and house number challenges. This new smart home device solves the various location identification issues that are frequently caused by missing address numbers or mis-pinned addresses. eLiT can reset map pins upon device registration, even without the use of Wi-Fi.

Not only is searching for a house number infuriating, it’s also a safety hazard when emergency services personnel are trying to locate the house as quickly as possible. The minutes first responders spend attempting to properly locate a home can mean the difference between life or death. With a built-in indicator, eLiT automatically flashes red when summoned 911 emergency vehicles are within range. Using this technology, a homeowner could improve their location accuracy tremendously, ensuring they are easy to reach for emergency services.

Food and e-commerce delivery drivers also need to be able to find addresses quickly and accurately. Issues with locating the correct address can mean cold food or delayed packages, driving up costs in the future. Reducing this issue is another way homeowners can remove complications from the ordering process. 

eLiT will automatically flash its lights a designated color when opted-in delivery companies are nearby. This can be especially helpful in rural areas where homes might be set off a significant distance from a road, new developments or old homes that are improperly noted on GPS mapping. eLiT’s accuracy eliminates confusion about the exact location of different residential areas.

Home buying takes time, but the end result is worth it when you have finally settled on your “forever home.” Choosing the location should be a factor, not an issue. So, when you find that home that brings you joy, skip the worry and just seek out a handy device like eLiT.

The product comes from Strategic Innovations, a leader in product development and innovation. The company focuses on uncovering persistent real-world problems and creating new solutions. For more information about eLiT’s capabilities, visit

About Author

LaDonna Dennis

LaDonna Dennis is the founder and creator of Mom Blog Society. She wears many hats. She is a Homemaker*Blogger*Crafter*Reader*Pinner*Friend*Animal Lover* Former writer of Frost Illustrated and, Cancer...SURVIVOR! LaDonna is happily married to the love of her life, the mother of 3 grown children and "Grams" to 3 grandchildren. She adores animals and has four furbabies: Makia ( a German Shepherd, whose mission in life is to be her attached to her hip) and Hachie, (an OCD Alaskan Malamute, and Akia (An Alaskan Malamute) who is just sweet as can be. And Sassy, a four-month-old German Shepherd who has quickly stolen her heart and become the most precious fur baby of all times. Aside from the humans in her life, LaDonna's fur babies are her world.

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3 years ago

Interior design of houses and landscape design, creation of comfortable conditions and an ideal microclimate for residents is so important for home owners. Before preparing a design project, interior stylists study in detail the location of the rooms, the area of housing, the level of lighting of residential and utility rooms.

3 years ago

Yes you are right. When building a house, every detail is important. The choice of the location of the house will determine the location of the rooms in the house, and the location of the terrace, barbecue area and much more. You can contact the Spotless Agency. The specialists of this agency have developed a stunning design for our house. With Virtual Staging, we were able to preview every detail of our home. The construction of our house is now being completed. Our family is looking forward to their housewarming.

2 years ago

Yes, you are right, it is important to choose your new place to live slowly and thoughtfully. When you decide to take this step, you will need a local real estate agent, as well as a good relocation company that can make things easier. I’ve read the best way to move across country tips to get good recommendations.

2 years ago

Hi. Tell me the service that can provide specialists in the installation of garden decking in the UK. thanks

2 years ago

1.Prepare a measurement detail for the yard. Browse through different ideas from google and pintrest.
2.Choose plants according to the climate.
3. The balance between the soft and hardscape. Like if its desert or hott and dry climate then you should go for more hard then green as green needs a lot of mantainence.
4. Put some interesting elements like water body which will keep your yard cool and balance the eco system as well.
5. Put a gazebo or a pergola and create a nice sit out space.
6 Add a fire pit if its a cold climate.

2 years ago

I was lucky and almost finished renovating my new home. I sympathize with everyone who is just in the beginning or planning a remake. But I think you will be happy at the end of your repair and you will be proud of yourself. When I started thinking about garden decking, a friend of mine suggested a company that quickly and easily one of the best did their job. I immediately considered only wood decking, because it is environmentally friendly, very beautiful and, with proper care, is very durable. Good luck to everyone with the renovation.