5 Tips for a More Comfortable Home


Your home is your little heaven and for that reason, you need to make sure that it gives you the comfort you deserve. However, the elephant in the room remains, what you need to do to makes your stay comfortable. Today, we are going to discuss a few tips that will help you make your life at home more comfortable and relaxed.

  1. Go Smart

5 Tips to Improve the Comfort of your Home

With the advancements in technology, a Smart Home is what everyone fancies about. How about controlling everything from your Smartphone or using voice commands?  A lot of home installations are now Smart Connected. This means you have full control of them using Smartphone Home Apps or voice controls like Alexa and Google Assistant. Some of the common Smart Home installations include Lighting, heating & cooling, security, floor cleaning, and so on. With such installations, you can do just anything from the comfort of your sofa; from switching off the bedroom lights to cleaning the floors. It is imperative to have a reliable internet connection with the best expanders – preferably Wi-Fi mesh network systems – for the best Smart Home comfort. Smart technology has become very resourceful especially to people with mobility issues and most importantly, the old. In as much as Smart Homes offer many conveniences, don’t rely on the automation so much such that you become immobile; it’s very unhealthy!

  1. Automate your HVAC

Nothing can be uncomfortable than staying in a very cold room or one that makes you sweat. However, with thermostats that help to control the HVAC systems, it is now easy to set favorable temperatures for a comfortable stay. But then, what if the weather keeps changing every now and then? In such cases, you will have to be adjusting the HVAC system which is quite cumbersome. Fortunately, you can now automate your HVAC system so that it adjusts the temperature setting automatically using Smart thermostats. Ine great thing about Smart thermostats is that they are very accurate and adjusts the HVAC settings automatically to ensure you have a stable and favorable temperature for maximum comfort. Besides, these thermostats cut energy bills drastically. If this sounds like a great idea, here is a great comparison review of Ecobee4 vs. Nest Learning – two of the best Smart thermostats in the market.

  1. Dim the Lights

Once the sun has set, a dim lighting makes a house more comfortable. This sounds ridiculous but it is plain truth.  Most people feel more relaxed and comfortable in rooms that have dim light as opposed to bright lighting that stresses the eyes. In fact, scientists suggest that besides bringing a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, dim lighting harnesses. In addition to this, dim light increases freedom from constraints thus boosting creativity. If you want a place full of serenity and calm, then get dimmer switches in almost every room. Don’t forget the bathroom; nothing is more relaxing than soaking yourself in the tub under dim lights!

  1. Improve Air Quality

Air quality remains an important aspect towards a comfortable home. The air should be fresh and breathable always especially if you suffer from allergies. There are very many ways of improving air quality. First, if you have pets or you live in dusty areas, get an air purifier or at least a robot vacuum cleaner with HEPA filters and air purification. Another great way to improve air quality is to open up windows and vents for better air circulation. You can also have a few plants that are known to increase oxygen in your house. Some of the most popular plants you can grow include spider plant, Chinese evergreen, snake plant, peace lily and so on. For those with chronic illnesses like sleep apnea, COPD, and heart attacks, having an oxygen tank can also make life comfortable.

  1. Remove Clutter

Most homeowners end up with very chaotic house arrangements with a lot of clutter. For example, most car enthusiasts without garages will often keep spare parts in the main house. This makes the house look crowded and often makes movement a hassle. If you have a lot of clutter, it is time you get them an alternative storage space or just do away with them especially if they are no longer assets. Besides hindering movement, these clutter blocks air circulation and worse enough, facilitate the buildup of dust mites which is a serious concern for allergy sufferers. After you have removed clutter, brainstorm on the several ways you could arrange furniture to ensure that you are left with enough room to move around without blocking any routes, vents or windows where natural light gets in the house. Make seating and moving the furniture easy.

Wrap Up

Your home is your solace and it should offer you the comfort you deserve. If you want a calm and serene house that will be perfect for relaxing and unwinding, you now know what to do. Follow the above tips and revolutionize your home comfort!


About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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