Tweed Wolf’s top-of-the-line photo books


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We really do mean well.

It’s not that we WANT to leave all those images on our phone. We don’t MEAN to create precious memories and then promptly forget about them.

But let’s face facts: we’re busy. And it takes time to choose photos to print, put them into albums, or even to create an online photo book. So, it just doesn’t happen. We find ourselves celebrating our child’s second birthday (or fifth…) and the baby photos are still buried somewhere deep inside our computers, hard drives, or whichever memory card we used back then.

Tweed Wolf has acknowledged this, and created a service that takes care of it for us – from start to finish.

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Here’s how it worked:

  1. I chose to send my photos via mail instead of uploading it to their site, due to my problematic internet connection (this is a new service of theirs.)
  2. They sent me a clearly labeled memory stick, along with a postage paid envelope to ship it back.
  3. I uploaded almost all of the photos I took in 2014 (close to 2000 I believe?). I went through it and deleted a few I knew I didn’t want.
  4. They uploaded the photos for me.
  5. I went through it for five minutes and fine-tuned my selection, still leaving way too many. I really just skimmed and deleted a few my toddler took, or the photos of flowers I took when I got my new camera and wanted to experiment. But I still had 200 photos of that photoshoot at the beach…
  6. The Tweed Wolf team created a digital album for me. They edited photos, created a professional layout, and sent it for my approval.
  7. I chose my album name, requested a few small changes, and sent it back.
  8. They fixed it, and sent it back.
  9. I approved it, and a few weeks later received a beautiful handcrafted album in the mail.

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There’s nothing like putting in almost no work and getting a masterpiece full of memories in return!

Beautiful memories deserve premium treatment. Each album is crafted from the finest materials using the latest photo printing techniques to create your one-of-a-kind story.

Tweed Wolf offers handmade albums, that do justice to the most precious moments. Whether it’s that first time that Dad met baby, baby’s milestones, graduation, weddings, or just everyday fun, your memories deserve the best, and Tweed Wolf gives that to you!


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This product was received from the Company for review purposes only. All thoughts and words in this post is my own and I was not paid to endorse it. I am only voicing my opinion about this product.

About Author


Menucha is a Jersey girl living in big New York with her husband and little boy. She is currently fulfilling her dream to be a stay at home mom. She loves crafting, the color purple, and chocolate. Menucha blogs at in between making jewelry and working as a freelance graphic designer.

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8 years ago

FWIW your links all go to kiwicrate at the moment. Do you have a basic rundown of the price for this service?

8 years ago

This is an amazing service! No matter how much I love scrap booking I can ever get too finish the million of photos I take. I’ll keep this in mind next I print pictures!