How to Succeed in Traveling with Small Children


Traveling is awesome. Whether you are buying a bus ticket for a rather short trip or submitting your application at for a longer trip, it’s always fun to go and see new places and explore environments you have never before seen. Taking your kids along for this adventure should be a joy, not a burden, but it can sometimes feel like the latter especially if the kids are really young and still like to throw tantrums out of anything. However, no parent should have to choose between the joy of traveling and spending time with their kids, so here’s how you can enjoy both.

Make all the preparations ahead of time and don’t rush

If you were traveling alone, you would be able to follow a certain schedule. However, it’s very foolish to think that you will be able to follow a strict schedule when you’re traveling with children. There will be road tantrums, potty breaks, and all kinds of things that will stall you out, making you go hours behind on your schedule. It’s important to book rooms at your hotel way ahead of schedule and also take your time with everything. It’s a lot more efficient to leave home earlier and deal with any situation that might occur in a calm fashion. It also keeps you sane and from becoming incredibly frustrated.

Put your child in charge of something

One of the main reasons for which children are so difficult on the road is because they get bored really easily. If you put them in charge of something, they will consume their time and energy on that instead of making you tear your hair out. For instance, you could have them be in charge of photography. Give them a plastic or cheap camera that’s kid-friendly and tell them that it’s their job to take family photos. At the end of the day, your little photographer will be less frustrated due to travel duration and you might even get a couple of really nice shots you weren’t expecting to add to your family album.

Make sure nothing tragic happens and get a child locator

A child locator is a small device with two components. One stays with you, and one is planted on the child’s clothing. If your child goes missing in a public place, all you have to do is trigger the device and an alarm will go off. The loud noise will guide you towards where your child is, and you will be able to avoid any mishaps. It’s a much friendlier solution for the kid since you don’t hold them on a leash like a pet. Being restricted in movement is also a big cause for why children are so difficult on the road.

In order to be even safer, give your kid something with your contact details on it so that in case they do get lost and you can’t find them, people that run into your kid can call you and help you get back in touch. It also helps the authorities if they discover the child.

Take extra precautions for clothes and pills

Remember that children are way more fragile than adults when it comes to weather so while a large range of weather conditions might be “T-shirt weather” for you, your kid might be really sensitive about it. Pack clothing according to the weather at your destination and also bring along something lighter or warmer in case unexpected weather occurs. Also, traveling to a new environment means that your child’s immune system will have to deal with brand new threats. It’s important to make sure that you keep a hefty stock of medicine on you in case they are close to catching a cold or something, so you can immediately prevent it and also avoid having your vacation ruined.


About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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