Seven Secrets to Cleaning Your Home Quickly


Between balancing your job and your personal life, you may not have plenty of the time to do all your chores. You may neglect to clean your house, resulting in accumulated clutter, dust, and dirt.

When this happens, it’s twice as hard to summon the motivation to clean your space. However, there are ways to make housecleaning less tedious. Read the tips below to get your home spick-and-span in the quickest way possible.

Create a Cleaning Plan and Schedule

While cleaning, you may get distracted by the things you find around your house, but you can avoid this by setting clear goals for your cleaning crusade and following a schedule. Depending on how much time you have, prioritize the more important spaces in your house, like the bedroom, living room, kitchen, and bathroom. Set a time limit for every room and stick to it.

This will make it easier to stay focused on your task. If you have limited time, reserve tidying your closet, attic, and other spaces that may take longer to clean or are not often used for another day.

Begin from Room to Front and Top to Bottom

Follow a clear path when cleaning. To maximize your time, start cleaning the rooms, from top to bottom, then the shared spaces in your home, ending in the front-most part. This way, you won’t end up cleaning and re-cleaning the same spaces when you move around as you do your chores. UrbanMop’s residential cleaners recommend following a cleaning schedule tailored to your specific needs and preferences. This personalized approach allows you to allocate dedicated time for each task, ensuring that all areas of your home receive the required attention.

Declutter Spaces and Furniture

You would be surprised by how clean your space will look if you put away the pieces of clothing you’ve thrown on the couch or if you shelved the books and magazines on your coffee table. By putting away the stuff you have lying around your home, you create more space, making the room look neater. It also helps that you avoid getting dust and dirt on your things, having fewer objects to clean.

Use the Right Tools and Products

Cleaning surfaces are made easier (and faster!) when using the right tools and products. For example, it’s easier to clean glass surfaces and mirrors using old newspapers or coffee filters.

Waffle weave towels work well for cleaning up wet spots and water spills or scrubbing stubborn dirt. Lint rollers are also especially effective for dusting lampshades, cleaning drawers, and removing pet hair from your couch. And avoid damage to your hands by wearing proper rubber gloves.

Take Your Tools with You

Prepare a caddy with the cleaning tools you need, and take it with you as you clean. This will save you time from going back and forth to the cleaning closet.

Use What You Have at Home

Your pantry may hold the answer to your cleaning woes. Baking soda, a common ingredient in your favorite pastries, has several uses for cleaning. Alone or mixed with other substances, it can remove stains and eliminate bad odors. A mixture of baking soda and vinegar can clean lime and mineral deposits in your bathtub, sink, drain, and shower head without the risk of damaging the material or adding toxic substances to your home.

The same mixture also works well to keep your brass and copper handles and knobs sparkling and rust-free. Olive oil is used for cleaning pans and pots when you mix it with salt. Lemon is also great a deodorizer, germ killer, and natural bleaching agent.

Create a Proper Storage System

Install hooks, and prepare containers for your everyday stuff. This will give you direction when you declutter and keep your space organized after you clean. There’s also the bonus of finding your things easily when you need them.

Make Housecleaning Less Tedious

House cleaning can be tiresome and time-consuming, but tidying a little every day can do wonders in reducing the chores you have to do when the times comes (or when the mess accumulates). You can maximize your time by multitasking, sweeping the floor, putting away your things, or washing the dishes as you wait for a phone call, your meal to cook, or your laundry. Doing little things can go a long way in maintaining cleanliness and order in your abode.

About Author


Wife, mother, grandma, blogger, all wrapped into one person. Lover of coffee, crime shows as well as humor. Loyalty, honesty and positivity is what attracts me to a person as that is what I try to project to others. Hard working and driven to a fault helps me help others and in turn helps myself in my daily work and life.

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